Even if you’re not in job search mode, LinkedIn is essential as a place to make connections and communicate your value in the professional world. To help you get the most out of LinkedIn, here are 10+ tips for creating a profile that will help you achieve your career goals.  1. Consider your name. Will [continue reading…]

Whether you’ve found an opening at your dream company, or maybe there’s no opening and you’re seeking an informational interview–having an insider’s help makes a difference. Here’s how to use contacts to get a job, even if you don’t have many contacts yet.

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It might seem silly to hide a LinkedIn recommendation you’ve given. After all, you want to support your colleague! But sometimes it’s best to let your praise to show up only on their profile, not on yours.

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What seems like common sense is often totally wrong. This is true for clouds, and it’s true for job search.

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I’ve been laid off myself, and I know how it is. The first thing you want to do is recover from the shock of losing your job – and the stresses of having one! You may not have had a vacation in a long time. You deserve some time off.

But there are at least two strong reasons why you should take a few small steps toward your job search first.

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