How do you answer the interview question, “Why did you leave that job?”

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You’re too smart to make those silly mistakes like reeking of cologne at a job interview or forgetting to turn off your phone. But maybe you’re still not getting offers. How can you change that?

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In interviews and throughout your job search, you will usually have competition. How can you stand out from the rest?

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You aren’t making dumb interview mistakes. So why haven’t you landed an offer yet? In last week’s post I pointed out three common pitfalls you may not have been aware of. Here are four more you can correct for greater success.

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You had a job interview but you didn’t get the job. Just forget about it, right? Not completely. I found a surprising fact in a CareerBuilder study from last year: 54% of employers re-engage with past candidates who were not offered the job. I take that to mean they consider them later for another opening – or even for [continue reading…]